Graph Templates

This page contains a library of printable graph papers that you are free to download and print for free for your course assignments (or whatever). All of the files are optimized to be printed on \(8\frac{1}{2} \times11\) inch paper. There is a standard linear \(xy\) graph template (referred to as Cartesian), semi-log templates where one axis is standard linear and the other is logarithmic, and log-log templates ranging from \(1\) power of \(10\) to \(8\) powers of \(10\).

20×20 grid1 to 101x50 grid1 to 101x1 to 101
1 to 102x50 grid1 to 102x1 to 102
1 to 103x50 grid1 to 103x1 to 103
1 to 104x50 grid1 to 104x1 to 104
1 to 105x50 grid1 to 105x1 to 105
1 to 106x50 grid1 to 106x1 to 106
1 to 107x50 grid1 to 107x1 to 107
1 to 108x50 grid1 to 108x1 to 108
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