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You should be familiar with the following terms as well as terms from previous chapters:
- Milky Way Galaxy
- the Galaxy
- Sir William Herschel
- J. C. Kapteyn
- Kapteyn’s universe
- Harlow Shapley
- Martha Shapley
- zone of avoidance
- heavy-element rich Cepheids
- heavy-element poor Cepheids
- inner stellar halo
- outer stellar halo
- hot coronal halo
- thin disk
- thick disk
- 21-cm line
- cold hydrogen gas
- hydrogen spin-flip
- long bar
- spiral arms
- density wave
- winding problem
- bulge
- boxy/peanut
- Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*)
- supermassive black hole
- accretion disk
- Event Horizon Telescope
- Fermi bubbles
- cosmic rays
- Fritz Zwicky
- dark matter
- Walter Baade
- Vera Rubin
- rotation curve
- rigid-body rotation
- flat rotation
- Keplerian orbit
- dark matter halo
- weakly interacting massive particle (WIMP)
- cold dark matter (CDM)
- massive compact halo object (MACHO)
- Heber Doust Curtis
- Great Debate
- Edwin Hubble
- cosmology
- spiral galaxy
- barred spiral galaxy
- elliptical galaxy
- lenticular galaxy
- tuning fork diagram (Hubble sequence)
- magellanic type
- dwarf elliptical
- dwarf spheroidal
- ultra-faint galaxy
- ultra-faint galaxy
- ultra-diffuse galaxy
- starburst galaxy
- interacting galaxy
- spheroidal bulge
- Local Group
- Virgo Cluster
- intracluster gas
- deep space
- deep time
- Local Supercluster (Virgo Supercluster)
- Great Attractor
- Laniakea
- filament
- walls
- voids
- cosmic web
- Magellanic Stream
- jet
- quasar
- active galaxy
- active galactic nucleus (AGN)
- International Celestial Reference System (ICRAS)
- intergalactic gas
- Lyman alpha forest
- gravitational lens
- Einstein cross
- first stars
- primeval galaxy
- galactic cannibalism
- Sandra Faber
- Cold Dark Matter (CDM) paradigm